Mitali... your write up brought myriads of memories floating in front of my eyes.. good times.. I don't remember bad or anything that went wrong when we were children.... but when your dad went away.... I remember looking for my father that day and just feeling blessed.. I could not understand the pain you went through until I lost mine.... to this day I miss my daddy every single day and most when I am globe trotting alone... checking into hotels and after I switch off the lights in any hotel room I still tell Daddy... I know you are there so that I can sleep peacefully...thats the kind of comfort I get to this day... even when he is no more....no where...but I do search for him ... in a beautiful park.. on the road...in the mountains ... the sky .. everywhere.... and I can feel him.. its just that I cannot touch and hold his hands... but everytime I look at my hands.... i can see him....

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What an amazing tribute to him. Love the words and feelings you have used to express your love as well as how you feel his presence in the ordinary every day. Thanks for sharing these beautiful words! ❤️

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