I keep your newsletters for reading at leisure.. they calm me , they make me accept me and bring a smile on my face to know there are so many of us in the same situation.. curious, searching , questioning, struggling, solving and then going for it all over again... waiting for the next read..

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Thanks for sharing your feedback Ranu! It is helpful to know that our topics are resonating with people around the world. We started this with the hope of bringing people together to share similar experiences and emotions that they are going through.

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I love serendipity! This week, curiosity has been popping up in my life. In Brenè Brown’s book Atlas of the Heart, on the same day, the focus of my yoga session, then your newsletter! I am by nature a curious person. I love to read about new ideas, I constantly look up things - thank goodness for technology! I try new ways of creating - new poetic forms, new types of art (currently I’m exploring fabric books). Curiosity might just be my focus word for 2022!

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How is the book Lisa? Let me know if I should add it to my list! I love that this word has come up for you so many times in a day - maybe it should be your word (in addition to being a focus) for 2022! Thanks for subscribing and reading - looking fwd to connecting with you for a live chat soon.

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The book is excellent. It really is an atlas for emotions, giving language to those things we feel and perhaps are unsure of how to describe them. It’s a book to dip into again and again. Definitely worth having! (Some people on Goodreads seemed to be disappointed but I think perhaps it’s more because they don’t understand what an atlas is.

After curiosity came up again in a course I’m doing I think it will be my focus for 2022! Thanks for the welcome 🌸✨

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