Dec 6, 2021Liked by Kinnari

Thank you for this wonderful post Mitali. I just ordered The Artist's Way. I mirror many of your feelings around creativity and my general capabilities. I will report back after I've taken the time to absorb the content of this book. Thanks again.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Mitali

Years ago, I used to think that being creative was relegated to those who were producing some sort of art, something that could be on display in a museum or streamed on a screen. Over time, I realized that every single person is creative, including myself. We are creating our own thoughts every moment, especially the fresh ones that don't come from a voice in the past or a book. It could be something as simple as throwing in a new ingredient into a recipe you've cooked for years. Or putting two pieces of information together to realizing there is a pattern. We are constantly in the process of creation, knowingly and unknowingly. Our bodies are growing cells as the trees are growing leaves. We cannot help but be creative, because we are creation itself.

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